Winter 2024-25 Schedule
Monday & Wednesday 5:30am-7am
Tuesday & Thursday 5:30pm-7pm
Saturday 7-9am
COST = $100 per month (STASFIT coached athletes get 50% off)
Helpful Tips To Get Started
There is an IOS Velocity APP to download if you are an Apple user. However this program is designed to work best on a Chrome browser. Please have the app or the browser downloaded. ***It will work on any device with a Chrome browser.
Make sure front tire is pumped up.
Make sure shifting is charged if you have electronic shifting. You will be shifting gears and riding like outside.
Make sure your trainer is on the correct height setting (for your wheel size - road and tri bike is usually 700c) if it’s adjustable like the Wahoo Kickr.
Connect your trainer to POWER SOURCE and TRAINER CONTROL for best results. If you have a power meter on your bike you can connect it to power source.